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Showing posts from January, 2016

Shake Effect in iOS

Animation Animation always capture the user attention. We can use animation to update things on the screen.  For developer also animations fascinated things to learn and implement. Today we will try shake effect with Various  API. CABasicAnimation: Here we animate view's frame y coordinate from one position to another position. It is simple example of changing the position with respect to time. CABasic Animation is deal with the single keyframe.                                        y(t) = y 0 + t*d(y) You can use CABasic Animation if you have to play with single value. You need to move object from  one position to another without any intermediate steps. CABasicAnimation * shakeAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath: @ "position" ]; shakeAnimation . duration = 0.05 ; shakeAnimation . autoreverses = YES; shakeAnimation . repeatCount = 6 ; CGPoint shakeFromPoint = CGPointMake( self . shakeLabel . center . x,